배워서 남주자
- 75장 복사요. 좀 이따 올게요
- Hi. I need 75 copies and Ill be back in a couple of minutes.
- 그러세요
- No problem.
- 신사숙녀 여러분
- Ladies and gentlemen...
- 마지막 순서까지 모두 끝났지만 특별공연을 선보일까 합니다
- That was to have been the last performance of the evening, but we have a very special treat for you.
- 미국서 순회공연 온 사만다양께서 자작곡을 선사한다고 합니다
- Samantha Andrews, a visiting artist from America. has agreed to grace us with one of her own compositions.
- 사만다?
- Samantha.
- 장래의 팬들을 실망시킬래?
- You don't want to let down your future fans.
- 최소한 사망인 줄 알아
- You are in big trouble.