Hi. You couldn't help me with an incredible important decision, could you?
예를 들면, 제 3세계 부채 탕감 문제와 비교할 만큼 중요한 거야?
Is this important in comparison to, let's say, whether they should cancel third world debt?
그래, 드디어 오늘 멋진 재닌과 데이트를 하게 돼서 티셔츠를 제대로 골랐는지 확인하고 싶어.
That's right. I'm at last going out on a date with the great Janine and I just wanna be sure I've picked the right t-shirt.
어떤 것을 골랐는데?
What are the choices?
좋아, 기다려봐, 첫 번째 후보야, 죽이지 응?
Well, wait for it. First there's this one. Cool huh?
글쎄, 별로 낭만적이진 못하군.
Yeah, it might make it hard to strike a really romantic note.
일리 있군. 실망하지 마. 낭만 하면 딱 좋은 게 있지.
Point taken. Don’t despair. If it’s romance we’re looking for I believe I have just the thing.
그래. 아마도 네 마음속에는 진실된 사랑이 없다고 생각하겠지.
Yeah. well, there again, she might not think you had true love on your mind.
알았어. 하나만 더. 이건 진실해 보이지?
Right. Just one more. True love here I come.
그래, 그건 완벽한데. 좋아.
Well, yeah. yeah. that's um perfect.
좋아. 고마워. 행운을 빌어줘.
Great. Thanks. Wish me luck.
행운을 빌어.
Good luck.
그 평범한 수요일이 내 인생을 바꿀 줄은 그날 출근길엔 상상도 못 했다.. 난 여행전문서점을 운영한다.
And so it was just another hopeless Wednesday, as I walked the thousand yards through the market to work, never suspecting that this was the day that was gonna change my life forever. This is work, by the way, my little travel bookshop.