배워서 남주자
- 천둥까지 치는 게 한바탕 퍼붓겠어. 비부터 피해야 하지 않나?
- Was that thunder? I think I heard thunder. It's gonna pour. I mean, you do know it's raining, right?
- 갈 길이 머니까 걷기나 해
- You're just trying to get out of this. Keep going.
- 뱃가죽이 등에 붙었어
- Feed me soon or face the consequences.
- 어릴 땐 더 가팔랐는데
- This was a lot steeper when I was a kid.
- 평평하게 갈아엎었나 봐
- They must have come in here with heavy machinery and flattened it out.
- 커서 그렇겠지
- Yeah, unless you've changed.
- 내가? 그건 아닐 걸
- Me? Not possible.
- 저 오두막 갈까?
- Hey, are we going to that shack?
- 그냥 계속 가재도
- No. We need to get to the top, so keep walking.
- 알겠습니다요
- Yes, chief.
- 이안 표 마법의 동산이라...
- So what's at the top of "Ian's magical hill"?
- 가봤자 고독 뿐이었어. 세상과 동떨어진 나. 저기서 책 읽으면서
- Nothing, really. Except the solitude. Being away from everything. I'd go up there to read or think.
- 평온을 느꼈지
- I felt safe there, at peace.
- 금방이라도 쏟아질 거 같아
- It's definitely gonna pour.
- 영국과 폭우라 | 찰떡궁합이군
- Pouring rain in England? Not likely.
- 빨리 와
- Come on.
get out of this: 여기서 나가자
shack: 판자집
Not likely.: 말도 안돼(어떤 진술 제의에 강한 반대를 나타냄)