배워서 남주자
- 준비 됐지?
- Are you ready?
- 걸어가면 안 될까?
- You sure we can't walk?
- 비 맞은 생쥐 되게?
- It's pouring rain, silly.
- 뛰자
- Here we go.
- 잠깐만요!
- Wait, wait!
- 왜?
- What?
- 널 사랑해
- I love you.
- 나도 그래
- Oh, I love you, too.
- 왜 사랑하는지도 말해줄래
- I want to tell you why I love you.
- 비 오는데 분위기 잡고 싶어?
- It's... it's raining. You know that, right?
- 말해야 하니까 꼭 들어줘
- I have to tell you this and you need to hear it.
- 첫눈에 사랑하게 됐지만, 이제야 내 감정에 솔직할 수 있게 됐어
- I've loved you since I met you...but I wouldn't allow myself to truly feel it until today.
- 늘 앞서 계산하며 몸을 사렸었지
- I was always thinking ahead. Making decisions out of fear.
- 오늘 너에게서 배운 것 덕분에 내 선택과 내 삶이 완전히 달라졌어
- Today, because of what I learned from you every choice I made was different, and my life has completely changed.
- 진정 사랑했다면 인생을 산 거잖아
- And I've learned that if you do that you're living your life fully.
- 5분을 더 살든 50년을 더 살든...
- It doesn't matter if you have five minutes or fifty years.
- 오늘 네가 아니었다면
- Samantha, if not for today if not for you...
- 난 영영 사랑을 몰랐을 거야
- I would never have known love at all.
- 사랑하는 법을 알려줘서 고마워
- So thank you for being the person who taught me to love.
- 또 사랑 받는 법도...
- And to be loved.
- 할 말을 잃었어
- I don't know what to say.
- 아무 말 안 해도 돼
- You don't have to say anything.
- 이 말 꼭 해주고 싶었어
- I just wanted to tell you.
- 고마워
- Thank you.