배워서 남주자
- 정말 가기 싫다
- I kind of wish we didn't have to go.
- 어딜 가는데?
- Go where?
- 런던의 졸업 콘서트
- Back to London. My graduation concert.
- 까먹었어?
- Any of this ringing a bell?
- 가지 말자
- Let's not go back.
- 그냥 기차 타고 떠나는 거야
- Let's just get on a train and ride off somewhere.
- 글쎄, 16년간 바이올린 켰고
- Let's see. I've been playing violin for 16 years.
- 3년 씩 공부한 끝에 명문대 졸업하는데 가봐야하지 않을까 싶네
- I've been studying for 3 years. I'm about to graduate from one of the finest music schools in London.
- 같이 가줄 거지?
- I think we should go home. You coming?
- 그럼
- Yeah.
I've been playing violin for 16 years..: ~년동안 ~해왔다.