배워서 남주자
- 뭐 하는 건데?
- What are you doing?
- 놀래 주려고 가 보면 좋아할 걸
- Just a small surprise. Something you're gonna love.
- 알았어
- Okay.
- 시간이 빠듯해
- I don't think there's enough time.
- 초치지 마.(바보같이 굴지마)
- Don't be silly.
- 자기 아파트에 들러야 돼
- Maybe we should go back to the apartment.
- 타고 싶다고 노랠 했잖아
- Come on. You said you've always wanted to do this.
- 왜 안 탔게? 고소공포증 있어
- Yeah, and you know why I haven't? Because I‘m scared of heights.
- 두려워할 거 없어 내가 있잖아
- Baby, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'll be with you.
- 이젠 죽었다!
- The doors.
- 참 눈부셔
- Ah, it's beautiful.
- 아직도 무서워?
- Still scared?
- 이상하네. 전혀 안 무서워
- Oh, that's weird. I guess I forgot.