배워서 남주자
- 뭐 좀 먹자. 아침도 굶었어
- Hey, can we eat at some point? I barely had breakfast.
- 난리부르스 좀 땡기지 마라
- Don't be such a big girl's blouse.
- 주접에 생난리에 징징짜는 행위
- A wimp. A wuss. Cry-baby.
- 사만다, 드디어 찾았다!
- Samantha! Thank God I found you.
- 여긴 무슨 일이야?
- What are you doing here?
- 미안한데 얘 좀 빌려갈게요
- Lottie, Im sorry, but I have to get Samantha out of here right now.
- 오늘 왜 그래?
- What is with you today?
- 내 말 믿어야 돼 어제 일어난 일이...오늘도 반복되고 있어
- You have to trust me. Things are happening from yesterday. They're jumbled up...but they're happening again in some way.
- 그 얘긴 끝냈잖아
- Okay, we already went through this.
- 알아, 스트레스 때문일 수도 있는데 당장 런던을 벗어나야 돼
- I know, and maybe you're right. Maybe it's stress. But all I know is...that we have to leave London. Immediately!
- 로티와 약속했어
- I promised Lottie.
- 니 말대로 남근은 밖에 세워야 할까 봐
- You've helped loads. You're right. The phalluses will look great in the garden.
- 나 저녁에 콘서트 있잖아
- Ian, I have my concert tonight. Remember?
- 시간 맞춰 올게 진짜야
- I'll have you back in time. I swear.
- 빨리 런던을 뜨자 나만 믿고 따라와
- Come on, let's go. I have to get you out of London now. Just trust me on this.
- 이제 가자
- Okay, let's go.
jumbled up: 뒤범벅으로 만들다.
loads = a lot: 많이