배워서 남주자
여긴 거리마다 정원이 있어요. 작은 동네 같죠.
All these streets round here have these mysterious communal gardens in the middle of them. They're like little villages.
Let's go in.
들어가 봐요
개인 소유지라 외부인은 못 들어가요.
No, that's the point they're private villages. Only the people who live round the edges are allowed in.
늘 법을 준수해요?
You abide by rules like that?
아뇨 다른 사람들은 그렇죠. 난 늘 내 마음대로 살아요.
I don’t. no. no. but others do. And I just what I want.
방금 뭐랬어요?
What did you say?
Yes, you did.
아무 말도...
No, I didn't.
'에구머니라고 해 놓고.
You said "whoopsidaisies."
그런 말 요즘 누가 써요?
No one has says "whoopsidaisies," do they? I mean, unless they're...
맞아요, 옛날에 쓰던 말이죠. 여자애나 그런 말 썼다고요.
There's no "unless." Because no one has said "whoopsidaisies" for 50 years and even then it was only little girls with blonde ringlets.
그래요, 다시 해봅시다.
Exactly. Right. So here we go again.
그래요. 병이에요. 약도 먹어야 하고 주사도 맞아야 하는 임상적인 거예요. 오래가진 않을 거예요
Yeah, well It's a disease. It's a clinical thing, I'm taking pills and having injections. And I’m told it won’t last long so.
Okay. Step aside.
위험할 텐데. 쉬운 게 아니에요.
I don’t think that’s a good idea. Really it’s quite tricky. Anna
쉽군, 보기보다...
Anna don’t. It’s harder than it... No. It’s not. it's easy.
아요 헐랭이 씨
Come on, Flops.
이거 위험한데.
Oh, God. This could be very unpleasant.
고생해서 들어와 봤자 볼 것도 없죠?
Now what in the world in this garden could make that ordeal worthwhile?
좋은 정원이죠.
Nice garden.
이곳에 준과 조셉은 늘 함께 있었노라.
"For June who loved this garden. from Joseph who always sat beside her."
어떤 사람들은 평생을 함께 살죠.
Some people do spend their whole lives together.
communal: 공동의
that's the point : 그게 핵심이다.
round the edges: 가장자리 주변
are allowed in: 허용된
abide by: 따르다, 준수하다.
like that: 그렇게, 그런 식으로
tricky: 힘든, 곤란한
what in the world: 도대체 무엇
ordeal: 시련
worthwhile: ~할 가치가 있는
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