연락이 늦어 미안해요. 두 개의 이름을 외우는 건 바보 같은 제 룸메이트에게는 정말 무리예요.
I’m sorry about not ringing back. The whole ‘two-names’ concept was totally too much for my flatmate's pea-sized intellect.
아니에요 쓸데없는 취향때문이에요, 항상 만화 캐릭터를 고르죠. 지난번엔 ‘밤비 여사였어요.
No, it's a stupid privacy thing. I always pick a cartoon character. Last time I was Mrs. Bambi.
잘 돼가?
Everything all right?
예, 고마워요.
Yes, thank you
Horse and Hound’에서 오셨나요?
And you’re from 'Horse and Hound‘?
Is that so? Well
그러면 질문할게요. 시작할까요?
So I'll just fire away then, shall I?
좋아요. 영화 좋았습니다. 더 많은 말을 영화에 출연시킬 의향은 있었는지 궁금해요.
Right. The film's great and I just was wondering whether you ever thought of having more horses in it?
그러고 싶었지만 무대가 우주 공간이라 굉장히 어려웠어요.
Well, we would have liked to but it was difficult, obviously, being set in space.
우주에서는 그렇죠, 매우 어렵죠.
Space, right, yeah. Yeah. obviously very difficult.
미안해요. 밖에 도착했을 때 이것을 떠 안겨줬어요. 뭘 해야 할지 모르겠어요.
I'm so sorry. I arrived outside, they thrust this thing into my hand.
제 잘못이에요. 지금쯤이면 인터뷰가 끝날 줄 알았어요. 전 그냥 그날 키스한 것을 사과하고 싶었어요. 갑자기 무슨 마음으로 그랬는지 정말 모르겠어요. 단지 당신이 괜찮은지 확인하고 싶었을 뿐이에요.
No, it's my fault. I thought this would all be over by now. I just wanted to sort of apologize for the kissing thing. I seriously don't know what came over me. I just wanted to make sure that you were fine about it.
네네 전 괜찮아요.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely fine.
여름에 촬영 할 스콧 양의 차기작도 홍보해야 하니 신경 좀 써주세요.
Do remember that Miss Scott is also keen to talk about her next project, which she is shooting later in the summer.
아 네, 좋아요. 정말 잘 됐네요. 그 영화에도 말이 출현하나요? 사냥개는요? 우리 독자들은 둘의 출연 여부를 흥미로워하거든요.
Yes. excellent. Excellent. Any horses in that one? Or hounds for that matter? Our readers are equally intrigued by both species.
배경이 잠수함이에요.
It takes place on a submarine.
이런, 아쉽네요. 그럼 말이 출연한다면 직접 탈 건가요 아니면 대역을 쓸 건가요?
Well, bad luck. But if there were horses in it. Would you be riding them or would you be getting a stunt horse double man thing?