노팅힐 (37)

배워서 남주자


그만해요.부탁이에요. 제발 진정해요. 차 한잔 해요.

Now stop. stop. stop. I beg you calm down. Have a cup of tea.



필요 없어요. 집에 갈래요

I don't want a goddamn cup of tea. I just wanna go home.



스파이크, 누군지 봐. 제발 옷 좀 입고!

Spike, see who that is. And put some clothes on. For God’s sake.



운전사 같아.

Looks like a chauffeur to me.



스파이크한테 한턱내라고 해요. 한몫 크게 챙겼을테니까.

Spike owes you an expensive dinner or holiday. Depending if he's got the brains to get the going rate on betrayal.


그건 오해예요.. 잠깐만. 진정해요. 그냥 웃어넘길 순 없소? 넓게 보면 이건 하찮은 일이에요.

That is not true. Wait a minute. This is crazy behavior. Can't we just laugh about all this? Seriously in the huge sweep of things, this stuff doesn't matter.



그가 다음에 이야기할 것은 유고에 굶주리고 있는 사람들이 있다는 이야기일 거예요

What he's gonna say next is there’s people starving in the Sudan.



멀리 유고까지 갈 것도 없어요. 벨라는 집 계단에서 굴러 평생 불구가 됐소. 시야를 좀 넓게 가져봐요.

Well, there are. And we don't have to go anywhere near that far. My best friend slipped, she slipped down stairs, cracked her back and she's in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. You know, all I'm asking for is a normal amount of perspective.



알아요. 하지만. 10년간 언론에 시달려 왔어요. 10분간 겪은 당신은 절대로 날 이해 못해요.

You're right, of course, you're right. It's just that I've dealt with this garbage for ten years. You've had it for ten minutes. Our perspective are very different.



신문은 하루 뒤엔 휴지가 돼요.

I mean today's newspapers will be lining tomorrow's wastepaper bins.




Excuse me?



하루만 참아요. 내일이면 이 일은 잊힐 거요..

Well, you know it's just one day. Tomorrow today's papers will all have been thrown out.


모르는군요. 이 일은 자료로 남아서, 내 기사단골 메뉴로 평생 동안 날 따라다닐 거예요.. 신문은 평생 가요. 난 평생 후회할 거고요..

You really don't get it. This story will be filed. Every time anyone writes anything about me. They'll dig up these photos. Newspapers last forever. I'll regret this forever.



그렇군요. 솔직히 내 기분은 당신과 반대요. 늘 당신을 고마워할 거예요.. 어쨌든 가는 게 좋겠군요.

Right. I will feel the opposite, if that's okay by you. And always be glad that you came to stay. But you're probably right. You’d better go.




Was it you?



술집에서 약간 자랑하긴 했어.

I may have told a few people down the pub.


I beg you: 제발

slip: 미끄러지다(넘어지거나 거의 넘어질 뻔하게 잠깐 미끄러짐을 나타냄)

lining: 일렬로 서 있는


'영어노트 > 노팅힐' 카테고리의 다른 글

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